Arts Fest & STEAM Expo

Immerse yourself in a dynamic showcase of creativity and innovation, where the talents of our students spring to life. Featuring captivating artwork and ingenious products, this event promises a treasure trove of delights reflecting our vibrant community spirit.

Don't forget to bring along a tote or t-shirt for a special treat – enjoy FREE silk screening, where your items will be transformed into personalized masterpieces on the spot.

Prepare to be captivated by an array of interactive experiences:

  • Live music by our talented student musicians
  • Dive into silk screening
  • Mesmerizing ceramic wheel demos
  • Spellbinding live painting demonstrations
  • Craft your own custom buttons
  • Unleash your imagination with face painting
  • Master Rubik’s Cube tricks
  • Adorn yourself with henna tattoos
  • Explore 3D printing marvels
  • Contribute to a collaborative mural
  • Journey through the science of cotton candy
  • Engage in a Family Design Challenge
  • Marvel at K-12 Art Galleries
  • Discover innovative projects by the NAMS Science Club
  • Ignite your curiosity with Camp Invention wonders
Join us for this joyous celebration where creativity and innovation flourish, enriching lives and inspiring all who attend. We can't wait to see you there!
